BCET to attend Beaver County Bookfest

BCET to attend Beaver County Bookfest

The Beaver County Educational Trust will have a booth at the Beaver County Bookfest. Come sign your pre-schooler up for the Growing with Books program. Find out what the BCET has been up to in 2015-2016. Did your child's teacher receive a Great Ideas Mini-Grant? Come find out. Kids are welcome to come color a page and get a free age appropriate book. Make sure to stop by between 10am and 4pm tomorrow!
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BC Educational Trust Celebrates 25 YEARS!

BC Educational Trust Celebrates 25 YEARS!

We are celebrating twenty-five years of the Beaver County Educational Trust. Many thanks to those with the foresight and wisdom to fill the need for literacy among the very young and stay with them through their elementary and middle school years. Congratulations BCET and here’s to twenty-five more years of books for children and families. - Bill DiBenedetto - President of the BCET
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1st Chairless Classroom for BASD

1st Chairless Classroom for BASD

GreatIdeasGrant, Home
Beaver Area School District has implemented an innovative new idea: the chairless classroom. Thanks to a "Great Ideas" mini-grant from the BCET, the chairless classroom uses exercise balls instead of chairs for the children to rest on while attending class. Assistant superintendent Dr. Carrie Rowe is looking forward to measuring what hopefully will be a positive net effect on the participating students. The student body appears to be excited as well with one student over heard exclaiming to a friend, "What a treat!", when she saw the new setup.
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