Coming Together for Education

Coming Together for Education

Fundraising, Home
Join us for the Beaver County Educational Trust annual recognition and awards dinner. Educators in Beaver County will be honored along with many others who are working hard to improve education in the area. Your attendance is a great way to show your support for all the educational programs of the Beaver County Educational Trust. [civicrm component="event" id="7" action="info" mode="live" hijack="1"]
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Freedom Goes Around the World in 180 Minutes

Freedom Goes Around the World in 180 Minutes

Home, StoryWalk
Freedom 2018 Story-Walk Video Freedom Area School District held it's 2018 Story-Walk on March 1, 2018 at Freedom Elementary School. Around 200 student attendees were treated to stories from global destinations such as Ireland, England, China, Japan, Italy, Mexico, Kenya, and Egypt. In each country the children got to listen to a story about that country, make a craft, play a game and eat a snack that represented the country. Many of the teachers had traveled to those countries and were able to share stories and souvenirs from the countries.  Every child that attended received a book about a different country.
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New Trustee is E-Quipping the BCET with Insight

New Trustee is E-Quipping the BCET with Insight

Just added trustee, Daniel Rossi-Keen did the unthinkable in 2012. He opened an independently owned bookstore, calling the endeavor E-Quip Books. Dr. Keen wants it to be the keystone to reviving a downtrodden Aliquippa community. The name is unique as it is a play on location, Aliquippa, the items it sells and the goal of the business. When asked about joining the BCET board, he had this to say, "I am excited about the future of education in Beaver County, and I respect the work that BCET is doing to contribute to educational excellence throughout our region. I wanted to be a part of that story, and serving on the BCET Board of Trustees seemed like a great way to expand my involvement in our County." Dr. Keen joins the…
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