Covid-19: Health and Wellness

Covid-19: Health and Wellness

As part of the BCET response to Covid-19 the board approved and funded the first of its kind meeting of Beaver County school district health care professionals. 46 School nurses, physician assistants and other administrators attended the virtual meeting in August. The goal was to help bring uniformity to procedures and policies needing to be created for each school district. During the meeting, local specialists in epidemiology and pediatric doctors provided advice and guidance on creating a comprehensive health and safety plan for the return to school.
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Covid-19: Mental Health

Covid-19: Mental Health

In response to the pandemic, BCET helped orchestrate a mental health professional development session for school district administrators. One of districts' greatest challenges, lately, has been the mental health of their students, staff and faculty. Jill Perry, MS, NCC, LPC, CAADC, SAP, is the founder of JP Counseling with over 20 years of experienceas a counselor and leader in the field. The half-day session presented information about the current and developing mental health crisis created by the pandemic. The presenter, Jill Perry, a licensed therapist and professional speaker addressed the issues and how best to provide support to faculty, students and their families.
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Fiduciary Focuses on Fundamentals

Fiduciary Focuses on Fundamentals

BCET Trustee, Todd Todorich, has made it his personal mission to help children learn to read. This Raymond James fiduciary has personally championed dyslexia training for teachers here in Beaver County by coordinating a partnership between BCET and the International Dyslexia Association to bring Experience Dyslexia®  A Simulation to Beaver County. The next training session will be virtual and is set for October of this year.
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BCET Launches Facebook Group for School Nurses

BCET Launches Facebook Group for School Nurses

In an effort to work together to defeat Covid-19 and keep our students healthy and in school, the BCET has created a Facebook group just for Beaver County school nurses. The idea is to provide a forum where the health care providers in our schools can share the latest information and their experiences in dealing with Covid-19 at Beaver County schools. The group is private to allow the free flow of ideas in combating Covid-19. If you are a school nurse, health care provider or counselor practicing in Beaver County, please request to join today!
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BCET Helps BC Schools Prepare to Return to Teaching

BCET Helps BC Schools Prepare to Return to Teaching

Home This video was produced in cooperation with the BVIU, Hopewell Area School District and the BCET. The BCET held two programs to help Beaver County school districts deal the effects of Covid-19. The first program dealt with student mental health and was open to educators and counselors from all Beaver County schools. The second was focused on student health and well-being protocols for school nurses. The second represented the first and only meeting to bring together the 14 school district's health professionals for a medical seminar on how to best deal with the pandemic and the necessary protocols to put in place.
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