BCET Thanks 2018 Donors

BCET Thanks 2018 Donors

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BCET Thanks 2018 Donors Timberhouse at Rolling Acres played host to the BCET "Thank You" event for 2018 donors. In attendance were representatives from Lincoln Learning Solutions, Huntington Bank, Shell, CCBC, Beaver County Library Services, Tusca Garden Club, and many others. A few of the corporate donors, Lincoln Learning Solutions, Pens Foundation, Huntington Bank and Shell,  were singled out by BCET president, Dennis Nichols, for their copious contributions. The BCET is a 501c(3) and accepts on-line donations.
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BVIU Retiree Stays Active

BVIU Retiree Stays Active

Joseph L. Rubino joins the BCET board of trustees after a career of 40 years in education, with his last employment at the BVIU. Mr. Rubino wanted to continue his support of teachers and students of Beaver County after retiring and saw the board position as an opportunity to do just that. His favorite BCET program is the Great Idea Mini-Grant. His team received a grant for the "Brain Steps" program his team at the IU created on concussions a few years back. The award left an impression on Joe and so he was eager to help when asked by the BCET.
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Back To School – Special Projects

Back To School – Special Projects

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The BCET gives out Great Idea Mini-Grants to the teachers of Beaver County every year to the tune of around $25,000. However, funds are limited and sometimes teachers need a little bit more than the BCET can award. With the new school year under way, Donors Choose.org is a great way for the public to help fund Beaver County teachers' projects directly. Please consider supporting Beaver County teachers, who have requests for help, at the following link. https://www.donorschoose.org/donors/search.html?state=PA&countyName=Beavercounty&includeNearbyLocations=true
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Board Member Profile: David Wytiaz

Board Member Profile: David Wytiaz

Newly minted trustee, David Wytaiz, enhances the BCET's connections to educators in the area and brings his business acumen as well. He spent 14 years with the Aliquippa school district first as its director of finance and operations and later as its superintendent. His current position, as director of the Beaver County Career and Technology Center, continues his commitment to educating and to finding paths to employment for those students raised in Beaver County.
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BCET Goes for the Juggler @ 2018 Bookfest

BCET Goes for the Juggler @ 2018 Bookfest

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Once again the BCET is set to attend the Beaver County Bookfest in Beaver on September 8, 2018. The event will feature demonstrations and entertainment based around carnival theme and the usual cadre of local and published authors. At the BCET booth in the kids tent, attendees will be able to sign their toddlers up for the "Growing with Books" program, which delivers a free age appropriate book twice a year to households with kids under 5. The BCET will also have a prize wheel for kids to spin to select a free book or ball from the BCET. And newly added for 2018, kids of all ages will have the opportunity to learn to juggle and see demonstrations by Lisa from All in J.E.S.T Juggling Entertainment. She will perform…
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